Daily Photography Tours in the Mount Washington Valley. 4 Hour Tours $100/person. Morning or Afternoon Tours

Hidden Beauty

Hidden Beauty

Blink and you'll miss it doesn't apply. We are always on the lookout for the unique shot.

Light and Shadows

Light and Shadows

Or just spectacular contrasts.

Time to Focus

Time to Focus

There's no rushing from place to place, just a peaceful day of capturing the shot.

Year Round Photography

4 Seasons, Unlimited Possibilities

Fall in the Lake

Fall in the Lake

Lakes, ponds, forests, mountains. Moose, deer, bears, birds. Winter, Spring, Summer, Fall. Hiking, skiing, biking, swimming. New Hampshire and the Mount Washington Valley, a year round location and the number one tourist destination for New England.

Instead of selfies, point and shoot, blurry images or hundreds of shots stored on your cell phone, we'll help you to take beautiful images for lifelong memories.

Learn how to capture the beauty of this region.


The First Landscape Photograph in the US

Bemis Crawford NotchFollowing the footsteps of  Dr. Samuel A. Bemis (1793 - 1881) who was one of the earliest photographers in the United States.

This image is believed to be the first landscape photograph made in the USA. 

White Mountains landscape photographer Dr. Samuel Bemis used one of the earliest (and most expensive) daguerreotype camera at Crawford Notch around 1840.


Birds and Wildlife

Respecting Nature




Camera Settings

Long Exposures

Lock slow exposure

Lock slow exposure

Lock fast exposure

Lock fast exposure

Vertical or Horizontal

How to Decide



"Be Interested in Everything, and Nothing Else"

New Hampshire Camera Tours

Are you ready for a new adventure?

From basic point and shoot to manual settings on your DSLR, you will learn what to do and how to do it.

When to Click
What did Cartier-Bresson mean by the "Decisive Moment"?
Nikon or Canon?
It doesn't matter what kind of camera you use, What matters is your willingness to take pictures.
What are they? How can they improve your shot?
Long Exposures
How to capture movement and make those dreamy waterfall shots

Get your camera ready and reserve you place today.